Table 22. Claremont Creek Ventures
Company Description: Claremont Creek Ventures is a venture capital firm investing in early stage information technology companies. Claremont Creek Ventures is based in Oakland. With more than a century of combined operating and investing experience, Claremont Creek Ventures’ investment strategy focuses on very early engagement in sectors where they have significant expertise. They have a unique Lifecycle Venturing approach, in which they engage entrepreneurs when they’re just getting started, welcome a flexible approach to financing that includes small dollar investments, and help establish a lean and agile approach to company building. Often this includes establishing non-financial mentoring relationships with young companies even in advance of a funding event. Given their own roots as entrepreneurs, they believe that the sweat equity, relationship development, and synergy that result from this process are invaluable to both the entrepreneur and to Claremont Creek Ventures.
- Industry Focus: Energy Technology; Digital Healthcare; Payments, Commerce & Online
- Investment Stage: First investment typically alongside angel investors or in a company’s initial round of venture finance. Claremont Creek’s strategy is to lead this round and continue to provide strategic and financial support throughout a company’s growth. They help entrepreneurs build strong investor syndicates along the way to help expand resources and expertise to enable successful transitions through each phase of growth.
- Active, early investors.
Investor: Brad Webb